Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Nokia Lifeblog! (Reviews)

The Nokia guyz have certainly proved themselves to be the trend setters by setting yet another example. This time its not a new phone in the market, its a software. The software is the mini version of the blogspot.

Nokia recently introduced the Nokia Lifeblog(Version 1.0.21). To view it you first have to install the software. The software installation is provided with an healthy advantage of providing an option of memory utilisation for installation(i.e Phone Memory or Memory Card) and it consumes very little space.

The Nokia Lifeblog is a PC and mobile software combined together that intellectually and automatically keeps an account of all the multimedia items that your phone generates or recieves. It supports files such as Images, Videos, Text messages and other multimedia messages. Although, it displays all the items in a single window(which should have been segregated on the basis of file types), it carries useful information about the files. Along with each file certain information is clipped in, such as the date, time and the file name. The images and other files are arranged in a chronological order which is arguably a good feature depending from user to user.

Too many collected items? No problem! The software is equipped with a search where in the user can search the files by entering the dates on which the files where cached. Perhaps the search could have been more intellectual with the inclusion of search for file names, time, size, etc. The user can also hide certain file types if they are personal and are not wished to be viewed. But again, if one file type is hidden then all the files of that type cannot be viewed.

The Nokia Lifeblog's quite limited functions could lead to its failure. But there are possibilities of it evolving in the coming time. The Nokia Lifeblog in all it seems to be a good trend software but one would have to wait and see upto what extent does it emerge its attractiveness.


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